Thursday, June 9, 2011

SUSHI LINK: Kantaro and the 100 Plates

Unless your diet consists soley of termites, you've encountered sushi. While more Americans are ignoring the raw fish stigma and dining on this Japanese treat, how much of it is authentic?

If you would like a taste of what a sushi restaurant truly offers in Japan then look further than "Kantaro and the 100 Plates", a comprehensive blog detailing one American's journey of sampling every dish on the menu. The location of the expedition is none other than Kantaro, a conveyer belt sushi restaurant, in Aomori, Japan. While conveyer belt sushi restaurants can sometimes offer lower-quality, machine made sushi, Kantaro is at the high end of the spectrum offering a variety of properly prepared dishes.

'100 Plates' not only describes each dish in English but also provides photos, prices, and ratings. Hungry for sushi? Then study up by feasting your eyes on Tesia Smith's personal 'made in Japan' feeding frenzy.

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